1.) 27 Jul 2013
Enjoyed reading your post and you make very understandable points but I think this is a rant to be had august 31st, we don't really know who are targets are bar paper talk so bar higuian whos to say tye others were tragets? There is still time and managers always say the window is busy first and last two weeks, I wouldn't give up on uust yey and it is important the squad is put theough there paces and prepared properly for the season, and I don't think you can blame Wenger alone, who negotiates and meets the players and agents not just him. and remeber mate this is someone's millions of pounds were spending, how would you geel about buying a house on a ridiculously inflated market when you know you already have a good enoigh house at hone (top 4) Stan only needs top 4 to make a profit!