31 Mar 2014 09:31:15
Morning guy's and Jenny.

Just been looking at the run in of game's for the teams in the top 4.
I know some of you think your out of contention BUT.
Everton, Hull, Newcastle, West Brom, West Ham and Norwich.

You have already tonked Everton this season and should do so again. The remaining 5 matches are ALL winable.

Do the bookies really see you at 125/1 to win?

There are going to be many twists for Chelsea City and Pool and I can still see you coming up on the rails and maybe just nick it in the final few games.

That's a big price with the run in you have.

Keep the faith. Your still not out of this!


{Ed025's Note - whats with this arsenal liverpool love fest?...we all know arsenal have as much chance as fulham of winning the league, you are rival fans for gods sake!..can we please have a bit more hostility towards each other as all this lovey dovey stuff is making us all sick!..

1.) 31 Mar 2014
The problem you see Ed, is that DG came onto our page and was a nice enough guy. Then he went and posted that movie star looking guy on Sightings that is supposed to be him and pheromones are now flying everywhere.

Haha, long may the love-in continue between two proper clubs.

{Ed025's Note - i will give you the 2 proper clubs fitz...but come on mate!, where is the hostility and ill feeling we all want to see?, this is football, not dancing on ice or synchronised swimming!..come on fellas(and jenny), its time to get a grip..

2.) 31 Mar 2014
It's mutual respect ed
Yes sometimes it gets too much But at end of the day we are all supporters of football and want to see football prevail
Not teams who are built by the money of their owners
Besides which other club is there to maintain good relations with cit and chelsea are csh depending plastic clubs tottenham are too boring and everton and Manchester United well I'd rather support Oldham tyanthem

{Ed025's Note - i can live with respect reet...its the ass licking that makes me want to vomit mate, you never see proper supporters(like everton) behaving in this manner, you will all be wearing dual scarves next!..

3.) 31 Mar 2014
And I believe fulham are out of the title race mathematically by now

4.) 31 Mar 2014
Sorry ed, I thought the point of these sites were for fans to put whatever they wanted on it, within reason. Or is it for the Eds? If you want to control what is said on a site then go over to the city one. You can make it whatever you want as nobody visits it. Eds is short for Editors. Dics is short for dictators. Are you a dic?
Is that enough hostility for you Ed?

{Ed025's Note - it certainly better flybo, at least you seem to have put your barbie down fella..

5.) 31 Mar 2014
You are the ed from the everton site Well that explains the bitterness
But yes guys sometimes it is exceeding the limit I have been myself guilty a few times
And besides we are going to win the league why worry about second choice (Smiles)

{Ed025's Note - good on you reet..

6.) 31 Mar 2014
I'm more of a 'My little Pony' man myself.

{Ed025's Note - aah..that explains it then mate.. :)

7.) 31 Mar 2014
31 Mar 2014 11:52:10
Sorry for the everton comment there ed got a little mixed up in th hostility part
Well the thing is ed I believe there is a lack of sensible posters on all the sites and the arsenal site has some sensible ones so there is a lot of respect anong us
But I agree with you there that saying things like if we don't win theb you win is in excess just focus on your team wishing luck is okay
You know the actual reason for all this ed that dagenham fellow came on to our site and acted vey nicely (I still believe he is a liverpool fan) And so all we are trying to do is return the favour
VERDICT-Dagenham is the culprit abd should be publicly flogged and forced to embrace spursism (JUST KIDDING)

{Ed025's Note - its great that you dont like everton reet, it proves your a real fan, only one team matters mate and thats your own, DG is a nice guy, but as you say he should be made to watch spurs, who are the worst supporters on the planet!.. :)

8.) 31 Mar 2014
I think some people have short memories about Liverpool

9.) 31 Mar 2014
Haha I know what you're saying ED.

But in a way it's kind of refreshing. Arsenal/Liverpool have never been rivals, at least in the real sense (like with Man u, Everton, spurs, etc ).

What is refreshing after man u dominating for the last 20 years or so and the 2 nouveau riche sugar daddy clubs, to see two proper clubs, at least re-emerging. So I think there's a kind of mutual support for that (ultimately though of course we want our respective clubs to do well though).

It's quite possible that the title/fa cup could go to one of our 2 clubs.

Personally I think it's good for the PL.

{Ed025's Note - i will have that LG, and i dont mind arsenal winning the cup, but if liverpool win the league...it will be a nightmare mate..their supporters are already too mouthy for my liking..

10.) 31 Mar 2014
Haha great shout Ed. The scousers now end their posts with COYG, and the gooners with YNWA.


{Ed025's Note - love it MKD..

11.) 31 Mar 2014
The Kop were singing the old fave yesterday "sh£t on the Cockneys tonight".

12.) 31 Mar 2014
You weren't the lad in the away end at Anfield captured on camera eh ed?
Or are you one of them Blues that never comes over, like my brother, because he knows what he's going to get?

{Ed025's Note - no mate, im a real scouser, and follow the peoples club..

13.) 31 Mar 2014
Anyone but Liverpool you mean.

{Ed025's Note - got it in one mate.. :)

14.) 31 Mar 2014
So Ed025 just because we support different teams the Arsenal fans and the Pool fans cannot have a mutual respect for one another?
I read you replies to sad face up the page, and that is just not the kind of bigoted remarks that you expect from an Ed on these boards.
I suppose you want us at each others throats because you think you have a chance to beat them to 4th spot.
Well god help the CL teams if they are going to have to entertain imbecile supporters like yourself!
As for Arsenal NOT WINNING the EPL the have more chance of doing IT than your bunch of no marks and don't forget Martinez has managed to get you playing above your weight with LOAN SIGNINGS.
I read an interesting article yesterday from The Mail that Everton would be in 11th place with out your loan players.
Maybe next year you may need an oil rich sheik to survive.
I don't expect you will have the courtesy to post this reply BUT at least I have had my say.
I have never heard so much bile and tripe spewed from an ED on here like you have done today.
Is it a case of while Ed001's away the children will play?

{Ed025's Note - i dont see my remarks as bigoted mate, i see it as fair banter, respect is one thing, rubbing each others backs and generally drooling over each other has no place in football, and how anyone can work out where we would be without loan signings is totally pathetic, i cant believe that even a liverpool supporter would give that the time of day!..i have given your say my friend, but when you read it back, im sure you will wish i had deleted it!...it really does make you look foolish..

15.) 31 Mar 2014
I can HONESTLY say I do not feel foolish.
It is remarks like some of the ones above, and not just from the Ed's either that inflamed hatred on the terraces and caused some of the despicable scenes that were witnessed in the 80's and 90's and did football an awful lot of damage.
Yes I am a Liverpool fan and I am proud of that fact. But some of the posters on the Arsenal page have some thing you probably don't understand.

{Ed025's Note - you are confusing hooliganism with banter vrcomp, sticks and stones and all that..most have joined in and contributed some great posts..but there will always be vrcomps of this world, you know the type, the crimplene trouser brigade who peek through their net curtains, and phone the police because a kid is playing football in the street..

16.) 31 Mar 2014
Never made a report to the police in my life.which at my age can be considered something of a miracle.
This is how it used to start. A little banter and then things start to get out of hand. People used to push the boundaries and then all of a sudden a fist would get thrown.
I've witnessed it and its not pleasant.
I would much rather have my views and value's than yours.
If that means I am in the wrong then so be it.
I know which one of the two of us is the bigger man!

17.) 31 Mar 2014
Especially in liverpool.