08 Aug 2013 08:30:44
Have a memory from my youth of atteding a game at Arsenal - I was as usual just in front of the clock in the south end. Thw twins were as usual next row back (Two really giant identical twins who always wore Donkey Jackets). and ginger was there as well. shortish bloke built like a brick whatsit. We were all in a couple of hours early as there was a pre-game game against (I think) Grasshoppers of Zurich. This was done to ease in the crowd over a longer period as it was expected to be a record turnout. I can't remember much else though! Anyone else there or knows why. it was early season because it was £$%^ing hot.

1.) 08 Aug 2013
We're the twins from islington as I remember some black twins who I use to see walking everywhere, dressed identical etc. use to walk down holloway road, St Paul's rd, and Upper street all the time. Even carried identical bags! that's took me back!

2.) 08 Aug 2013
Those black twins that dressed identically were actually triplets, sadly one died years ago. Not sure about the twins at the game but the ones I've seen while around barnsbury were far from big.