20 Jul 2014 04:07:08
Eds, I know you must be getting tired of questions regarding khedira, but could you answer one more.
recently Ed002 said that the bid made for khedira was considered unacceptable. But on the banter page regarding a post asking for the latest on khedira, Ed013 said a bid had been accepted: {Ed013's Note - A bid had been accepted, but it seems there is something slowing things down in negotiations with the player}.
was just hoping for some clarity please. Thanks

{Ed001's Note - from what I am told, Ed013 is mistaken. The bid was rejected. So, unless Arsenal have since returned with a second bid (which is not totally out of the question as Wenger really wants Khedira), there is nothing happening yet.}

1.) 20 Jul 2014
Ahh right, thanks for clearing that up ed.