25 Mar 2013 22:37:26
How much do you wanna bet there will be no 'marquee' signing this summer {Ed027's Note - not a penny

1.) 25 Mar 2013
Hey ed, do you know something that we don't? Only you seem fairly sure that we will sign someone good. {Ed027's Note -I just know there will be changes, and that Wenger isn't the tight one

2.) 26 Mar 2013
Could you give any indication as to what those changes will be?

3.) 26 Mar 2013
Could you give any indication as to what those changes will be? {Ed027's Note - expect quite a clear out, and atleast 5/6 players coming in, with a marquee signing, also changes in staff, a bonus would be change of ownership though i have no idea there

4.) 26 Mar 2013
Are you able to elaborate a little with what you say regarding Wenger not being the tight one?

Thanks {Ed027's Note - the board have kept the purse close to their chest, wenger dose'nt choose to sell nasri and buy Gervinho, it was forced with the situation we were in, with these new kit deals coming through, and debts clearing fast, we're able to loosen up.

5.) 26 Mar 2013
Hi Ed027, not tryin to get you into trouble here lol but can you confirm that you think its the board then that's tight? which is what I was hoping by the way! Also do you know if its wenger that imposes the socialist wage structure? thankyou in advance for all your time! {Ed027's Note - yes it is, but they are'nt ding it by purpose, they're were doing it for our own good, also negotiation team has been *****, if they were any good we would of had Reina, Mata etc.