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To Dracred's last 5 banter replies
06 Feb 2025 01:35:28
All form goes out the window whenever Liverpool and Everton play, Ed. And even though Liverpool has the stronger team, games are never won on paper. Considering that Everton has the chance to scupper our league hopes, you lot will be up for that game and will make things difficult for us. I wouldn't be surprised to see us drop points when we play you.
{Ed025's Note - oh you can bet your life that we will be trying Drac, you only have to look at last season when we deservedly beat you with an inferior side, but we are coming into this on the back of 3 wins and that scares me mate, if we believe we can beat you playing good football then as sure as eggs is eggs we will lose, we have more chance with the dogs of war spirit because man for man this liverpool side are just too strong for us..
26 Jan 2025 02:07:48
Liverpool fan here and we too agree that it was a ridiculous red card. Not the last man, in his own half, two covering arsenal defenders, and nothing malicious in the tackle. At best, it's a yellow. Hopefully it gets overturned.
As much as we want to be ahead of you this season, fairness is still fairness and all fans should come together to call out these kind of wrong calls and lobby for higher refereeing standards.
24 Jan 2025 05:04:20
Singapore rarely goes to 22 but I get what you mean. Anytime the weather goes below 28, you'd start seeing people in jackets walking around ?.
31 Oct 2024 02:17:24
Have to agree with that Iceman. Arsenal have a great squad now and is more than a match for anyone in the league. I think the sitting back part is partially because of how long the season is. It's a marathon, not a sprint so managers are more cautious of burning out in the later part of the season, like how we used to be under Klopp. Regardless, you lot will definitely be up there again this season.
11 Oct 2024 13:13:51
Just laugh it off, Highburybill. I just read some of his comments and it's absolutely terrible. There's a reason why Wenger is nicknamed "The Professor" in football. To say that he has not contributed anything to football is a joke.