09 Jul 2021 13:47:30
Guys how much would it realistically cost to buyout arsenal?


There's apparently 27millions supporters.

What's the profit the shareholders take per year?

I'm just thinking, how easy could 27million people get the funds to take over the club?

Is it a pipe dream or am I on to something?

I've come to the conclusion that money is an illusion and all it really is, is compensation for our time, our time to make anything we need to survive.

Is it possible to get everybody on board and use all our assets to buy out all companies and share all wealth equal?

All we are doing is removing the middle fat cats and any money we give to these companies come straight back to us.

Am I on to something? I'm open to criticism.

1.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 14:01:53
By my calculations 27million supporters put in £150 and that's 4bil, 27million a year paid out to said investors is 1mil a year each.

We stick everything online I come expenditure etc. Open view for everybody, we dictate prices, everything we all control it as one.

I don't know the yearly profit of arsenal but we spank 50million on one player.

If every football fan starts doing this, how long till we own and control every club?

Why stop there, we can then use any profits to buy up and run other companies.

The pipe dream

We all as one own everything, no more private owned companies!

Let's get talking I'm sure I'm onto something.

2.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 15:04:15
Something like this has been tried in a lower division before. It didn't go well.

3.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 15:07:30
Of those 27 million most Will he 25+ million will be non Brits and to the overwhelming majority £150 probably be beyond thier reach, even in the UK many of the millionish Arsenal fans will be kids or even adults who simply couldn't justify spending £150 on a hobby.

Nice idea but in reality, your going to need a bigger fan base :-)

4.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 16:02:32
I'm using arsenal as a model, the concept could and should work for any and every business.

Everything we possess has been given a value, houses, cars etc.

If we as a nation as a world nation all get together and start using that wealth to buy up everything, no more private owned companies all companies owned by everyone equally.

I searched and found that the total world yearly profit is 1q (1+18 0's) .

The total population is 6.7 billion, 1q devided by 6.7bil is 13million each a year.

Or if all weekly wealth is shared is $10,000ea, anyone can easily live on that.

By getting together and buying everything and sharing equally we have no need for banks, etc.

Money is and amount of paper, binary given to us for our time, that time in the UK according to the government is £8 per hour.

How long before people realise what each person is earning and wants a piece of it? £8 per hour Vs $10,000 per week.

The companies then have a choice match it or loose there work force and go bankrupt in which case we buy out that company.

5.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 16:32:50
I like your thinking mate but my guess is we are a few years away from meaningful change, undoubtedly it will come as the current model is impossible to sustain indefinitely.

Much like the 2007 crash, it's a matter of when not if because as history shows all bad things come to an end, eventually and even the planet itself is running out of patience now.

Up the revolution 🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒🖒.

6.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 16:58:14
In this utopia world, is there a board of directors? Who chooses them? What if a handful of the several million shareholders have an issue with something? Who and how are these issues addressed?

Seriously, a small group of people struggle to get broadband into a village, let alone a large group of people running a billion quid football club.

7.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 20:44:21
Dont we have stock markets that allow that?

Open up a just give page and start a consortium - ringfence the money so guaranteed reimbursement if you don’t hit the target money. Then start the arguments 😂

How would 27m people run a football club?

We have a manager who can’t manage players, a useless board and 100 different opinions on this site. How could 27m run Arsenal?

8.) 09 Jul 2021
09 Jul 2021 21:23:18
How much to buy Arsenal, I hear willy wonka is putting a golden ticket in chocolate bars.

9.) 10 Jul 2021
10 Jul 2021 08:42:57
If willy wonker did run a competition one thing is for sure, no one at Spurs would win it Raver mate 🖒.

10.) 10 Jul 2021
10 Jul 2021 14:02:10
And 62 they`ve already made a Willy Wonka DVD so Spurs couldn`t even release a DVD about it - another competition they didn`t win COYG.

11.) 10 Jul 2021
10 Jul 2021 16:47:27
The nearly men who were never actually got that near at all, would be my suggestion for a Spurs dvd Sussex.