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11 Jul 2021 19:13:23
The local police have put out an appeal to the local community asking if everyone could please not commit a crime between 8pm and 11pm this evening.

Someone has replied saying
It's a deal and could you lot refraine nicking anyone from 6am to 6pm tomorrow.

Love it 🖒😊😆😆.




30 May 2021 18:57:52
Apparently there is a new bidder for taking over at Arsenal and she is able to offer The Kronkee's something money can't buy in oder to take control of the club.

The lady in question is probably the most famous Arsenal fan on earth and is prepared to offer Stan her extensive and prestigious London home in exchange for full control of Arsenal.

Not only is she a life long gooner also her grandson is too, and it's her grandson she wishes to run the club as he has suddenly found himself at a lose end and she feels running Arsenal will be a positive way of keeping him occupied plus she hopes it might encourage him and his family to return to the UK to live and unite the family which has been going through a bit of a difficult period lately.

No this rumour is not from the usual tabloid media and I didn't read it on twitter or Facebook, it was written in my tealeafs this morning and compared to most media outlets the teanleafs have a pretty good success rate.

Oh and if the deal goes ahead Stan is going to demolish Buck house and build a Walmart.




18 Dec 2019 21:55:50
Apparently City are surprised by the talk of us announcing Artetta as our manager when we haven't even spoken to them and agreed compensation.
Whatever has happened at Arsenal we used to be so prim and proper in how we conducted our business.


1.) 19 Dec 2019 11:17:19
This could be because the way they poached our players in the past. Pay back I guess.

2.) 19 Dec 2019 12:48:18
I doubt it but if so how old is josh 5?
City have well moved on from the Mark Hughes buy Arsenal days and have no interest in any of our players now days.
I'd incompetence was the more likely explanation than pay back.



10 Nov 2019 09:02:59
I'm not sure if Emery can't or won't change his ways but either way it's plainly obvious his ways his methods his tactics just aren't working at premier league level.
What would be the point in continuing with Emery few more games or weeks! What is going to suddenly start working that hasn't worked upto this point in time?
9 points over 26 games isn't impossible to make up but neither will it be a formality for a new manager either.

There are absolutely no guarantees that if we change managers things will suddenly come good but there is a genuine possibility they might under a different manager that simply doesn't exist under Emery.

We have a squad that has the quality in abundance we just need someone who can organise and motivate them into a cohesive team that functions to its full potential.
There is no logical reason to carry on with Emery, I've read people saying the club don't want to pay his compensation money and would rather let him see out his contact to save what a £3 millions pay off?

But that's just people being negative towards the board because I'm sure Josh and Co are more than capable of working out the financial loss of champions league football money v £3 million in compensation without the need to consult the world's greatest mathematic brains first.


1.) 10 Nov 2019 13:24:20
As usual, nothing to disagree with from G62. I have little faith in the board to act decisively. They have a history of dithering and fiddling while the team burns on the pitch. As you said elsewhere, the only language they understand is empty terracing. I would rather listen to us lose on the radio, than freeze my arse off sitting at the Emirates.

I would love to be wrong, but those hoping for a sacking on Monday. I wouldn't hold my breath.

2.) 10 Nov 2019 15:08:24
Hi Urban mate I think you've got it bang on, vote with you bum if your not happy and spend your time doing something that does make you happy until the club team and manager give you reason to feel they are your best way of spending your time and money again.

3.) 10 Nov 2019 19:24:06
I just don’t know how emery is making Managing Arsenal look like a difficult job? This season I honestly couldn’t tell you what system we’re playing. Yes Wenger was dated, but you knew what you was getting. A team trying to play possession football until an opening presented itself. Against Leicester, we couldn’t even string 5 passes together. No one knew where each other are, we got strikers playing like wingers, playing so deep against a team that plays with 1 striker. Emery isn’t connected to his players and he’s not connected to the fans. Sack this tactical fraud, leave Freddie in charge til we can get a manager with a clear vision.

4.) 10 Nov 2019 19:43:08
It's true ice mate we have no identity no structure no Arsenal way of playing that the players can get they're heads around and become comfortable with and most importantly good at.
Every game a different starting 11 a different game plan a different formation what chance do our players have? And of course they are only human so are naturally becoming deflated and losing interest and motivation to simply indulge yet more nonsense.

5.) 11 Nov 2019 09:58:15
Icy, you are so right. It was embarrassing watching us play what amounted to a back five against a side with a lone striker. And Gunner, spot on about identity, we don't have one at all. We even had one under Graham, albeit based on grinding opponents down and a very flat back four with their hands up every five minutes. I watched Liverpool yesterday afternoon, and even with some (one) lucky breaks, they looked every bit the finished article where we look pedestrian. The worst of it is, our front three/ four are the measure of anything Liverpool have got. But the rest is disorganised, poorly deployed, and yes, lacking any kind of identity.

The papers (I know) are this morning reporting the boards confidence in Emery. If true, I'm not surprised. Of course, we don't want a trigger happy board, but one season, and a third of this one, is enough to know. It could be a long frustrating season.

6.) 11 Nov 2019 10:25:20
In a game that’s about numbers and statistics, I’d be curious to know which one Emery is impressing in, that’s keeping him in that seat.
Ed any inside news on what’s happening? I just can’t accept the board are content with him because under him, Speaking statistically, we won’t challenge top 4 and we don’t want to bank winning Europe when we can’t hold a clean sheet.

{Ed002's Note - It was a mistake brining him in and as I said he was far from first choice. The club has gambled financially on getting in to the top four come the end of the season, and that remains the primary target. It is difficult to see anything happening before the summer when I suspect there might well be a change.}

7.) 11 Nov 2019 10:54:47
The papers are all quoting Ormstein Urban mate so it's a highly credible that is the boards position.
I'm pinning my hopes on the board using Ormstein as a deflection tactic and going to surprise us all as they did when they let the papers run with the "we only had 40 million to spend" story all last summer then bosh! broke our transfer record :-) I know it's not a theory you'd want to put your house on being correct is it :-) ?
Like you said yesterday mate vote with your bum and if your not happy with what's being offered simply don't accept it and find a more enjoyable way of spending your time and money, 20,000 empty seats is an extremely difficult fans message to ignore for long.

8.) 12 Nov 2019 06:49:18
I'm with you 62 fingers crossed 🤞.



08 Aug 2019 08:37:02
Arsenal and Chelsea have agreed an 8 million fee for David Luiz and Tierney will complete his 25 million move today also.

Where's Wesley? Could be a very busy day for you Wes mate.





gunner62's banter posts with other poster's replies to gunner62's banter posts


04 May 2024 11:10:47
Happy star wars day everyone ?.


1.) 04 May 2024 11:33:58
Yoda, is that you?

2.) 04 May 2024 11:35:26
May the 4th be with us today 62 lol.

3.) 04 May 2024 11:59:42

4.) 04 May 2024 12:01:57
You too Sally, may you go forth and prosper. Nanoo Nanoo ?.

5.) 04 May 2024 16:31:42
You that is Yoda CODV.



27 Apr 2024 15:47:28
And then there were two.




24 Apr 2024 22:06:41
Well done Everton ? ✔️ ?

Brilliant news for us but equally a warning that in Derby games against nearest neighbours league position counts for zilch during those 90 minutes of local rivalry.


1.) 25 Apr 2024 06:34:50
100% agree. G62. well done Everton. and yes. full guns blazing up the road, let’s Kentucky fry the chicken on a beach ball this weekend. COYG/ VTH. N?RTH LONDON IS RED????❤️❤️.

2.) 25 Apr 2024 08:15:25
Totally agree John and Gabi. Form book goes out of the window. Massive shout to Everton for last night's result.
Back to Sundays NLD, I am expecting a feisty game, so hoping in that atmosphere our boys keep a cool head and get the 3pts we need
COYG ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

3.) 25 Apr 2024 13:43:24
Absolutely Bill mate, no team can be at their best in every game that's an imossible ask for us, Real, City and every other team in the world. We were disappointing against West Ham at home but responded in an unbelievable way and again against Villa but judging by Wolves and Chelsea games we are once again responding like the true contenders and fantastic side we undoubtedly are ????

Up The Arsenal ?.



23 Apr 2024 22:04:53
If this Arsenal team really were capable of bottling it, they'd put red bull and the entire alcohol industry out of business in a fortnight

Pure class on grass ??? ? ?.




23 Apr 2024 08:08:25
Hopefully Chelsea will be on the tonight ????.


1.) 23 Apr 2024 08:29:43
I don't know why they would be, with the games in hand they can still get into Europe.

2.) 23 Apr 2024 08:43:58
Morning John, I am so looking forward to the game tonight

I like it when we are put fully to the test


3.) 23 Apr 2024 11:24:25
Your right Banbury mate, I didn't actually realise how close they are to United and Newcastle in the table, so maybe we shouldn't expect armbands, shades and deckchairs after all ?????

I'm looking forward to it too Mark but in truth I wouldn't have minded if Chelsea players were already on holiday mentally going onto the game, I'm not saying we need them to be so we can get 3pts only that personally I'd take an easy 3pts over a hard won 3pts any day but especially at this stage of the season. Up The Arsenal ?.

4.) 23 Apr 2024 12:16:14
I have a feeling this will be a tougher game than we give chelski credit for. If we play the way we did against Villa I will be watching from behind the sofa!

5.) 23 Apr 2024 12:33:34
Hi Sparks

This won't be easy by any stretch.

They do have some injuries though and hopefully Palmer stays poorly.

2-1 to us.

6.) 23 Apr 2024 13:20:16
I'm hoping they have an FA cup hang over and we've shaken off our CL and AV hangovers completely so we are at our absolute best mentally. Personally I hope Jesus doesn't start as we don't seem to score as freely with him as we do without him, no idea why that is but just the way it seems.

{Ed025's Note - because hes awful G62?..

7.) 23 Apr 2024 14:35:07
Hi Ed025 mate, last seasons calapse coincided with Jesus's return to the side after injury, he's certainly not a bad player but I do think Arsenal are better without him than with him somehow mate.

{Ed025's Note - for me he is very underwhelming G62, he was the same at city where he was a stopgap but never really a regular starter, for me it would be move him on and put any money you get to put towards a top class striker, i feel thats the last piece of the jigsaw you need to go from contenders to trophy winners, even though i really hope you win the league this season mate..

8.) 23 Apr 2024 19:06:13
If we have been able to rest and charge our batteries I’m thinking 3 points are ours. Chelsea can be very dangerous when they click n I don’t think poch has much control on his team. I’m hoping they are disorganised and we can take advantage. Agree partially about Jesus I think super sub for me as I do like him but the team does do better without him. Come on you gunners let’s put the fear of god in these overly priced overly rated divas . No matter what happens though arsenal till I die.




gunner62's rumour replies


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16 Jan 2024 17:06:53
Wow if it actually happened then it might be worth taking another look at tha prediction about the world ending in 2011 Mo ?.




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16 Jan 2024 17:04:37
I remember all the excitement and crazy predictions about Perez when we signed him, despite the fact none of us had a clue who he was ?????.




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04 Jan 2024 20:57:41
Yes Mark but you have only genuinely been with it and us since 2017 ?????.




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04 Jan 2024 20:09:02
Hi OCB mate, speaking of 10 years ago, that was the season of the Liverpool and Arsenal fans mutual love in on this site ?

We coincidentally met Liverpool in the FA cup that season too, I remember Liverpool fan Ken changing into his lucky pants at half time during that game ??? some absolutely brilliant banter took place that season with Dags Jenny Taylor and Ken amongst many msnh others. Happy days, hey ?.




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01 Dec 2023 20:15:06
But if the manager has promoted someone above you and clearly prefers him to you, how can you possibly fight for a place?

It certainly appears that MA wants Raya as his number one.





gunner62's banter replies


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14 May 2024 21:29:40
He was fined millions after pleading guilty to spreading cruel misinformation in the American courts. Not a nice person but he's welcome once again on twitter to post anything he likes since Elon Musk made freedom of hate speech open to anyone.




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14 May 2024 20:07:27
I know that Elon Musk allowed the previously banned American user Alex Jones who spread those awful stories about the innocent victims of tragic events in America to rejoin and have the freedom to resume his own cruel freedom to spread hate campaign.




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14 May 2024 19:09:30
I strongly dislike Twitters freedom to spread hate policy Sharpie so I am extremely negative in my opinion towards that platform. I wonder what result Odd Bod is hoping for tonight? I always found his claiming to be an Arsenal fan while spending all his time in the spurs page irrational.




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14 May 2024 16:47:12
Rational people making rational statements very seldom make headlines, the headlines are almost always dominated by crazy irrational people saying crazy irrational things.

Social media sites like twitter are designed for irrational people to share the hate on.




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13 May 2024 22:57:59
We needed spurs to need something from their game against City and now they need a win and absolutely nothing less, in which case we couldn't ask for anything more.
