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16 Jun 2024 18:25:27
Hi Ed’s hope you all had a great weekend, ed002 I recently seen you said Toney was our number one target, I’ve just seen a rumour that arteta talked with Toney and arteta didn’t like his attitude, do you know if he is still number one on our list, thanks Ed.

{Ed002's Note - I wasn't aware of that but will try and check. I would expect Arsenal to now look again at perhaps Jonathan David and Serhou Guirassy.}

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17 Jun 2024 19:43:24
Dublin I keep seeing Toney being linked to a top team and yet I hear the Spuds are linked with him - doesn`t make sense :) Isak or we go again with Kai with I guess a better back up. Hello everyone by the way hoping you`re all well COYG ( appreciate Isak not for sale)

{Ed025's Note - i have changed my mind on Toney for Arsenal SUSSEX, i think has got an attitude problem and should be swerved, i still think you need a top forward though mate to compete at the very top..

17 Jun 2024 21:10:00
Hi Ed025 I agree never been convinced - one season 22/ 23 everyone bangs on about with 20 goals but 6 pens included! Saka does that from the wing. Forget the pity penalty v Bournemouth Kai didn`t score in twelve games - then scored 12 goals in 25 games (think no pens) so on that form he gets 19 goals without pens - which is pretty good. He also assists. Haaland scored 27 goals but 7 were pens. Kai is nowhere the scorer Haaland is (Haaland played less games) but he is important to the way we play. Unless it`s top drawer and prem ready spend the money on the best midfielder possible to complement Rice and Ode. Isak is the only option for me or Alvarez but City won`t sell. Anyway what do I know but I know a man who does - come on MA get Isak COYG.

{Ed025's Note - i think Isak would be perfect SUSSEX, it looks very unlikely to happen though but you still need a top draw striker for me mate, Kai will do a job but if he gets injured you are up the creek without a paddle i feel..

18 Jun 2024 02:03:55
I agree ed025, I don't believe we want his character in our squad. There aren't many top strikers around these days though, so while I agree of the necessity of one I have no real suggestions.

{Ed025's Note - its a tough one SW, Isak seems the perfect fit but i just cant see it im afraid, you may have to take a bit of a chance on somebody who is not quite the finished article but you do need a striker mate, i like the look of Vlahovic myself but getting him would be very difficult..

18 Jun 2024 02:16:41
Hey Ed, what’s your thoughts on Bruno Guimarães? The links gone quiet of late but a player that gets stuck in whilst still being good on the ball could be what's needed in the middle. Would be an expensive buy. Havertz I imagine will be first choice no1 with a new 9 signing for healthy competition. Watkins perhaps? Could Arteta improve him and he’s a huge Arsenal fan who’s stated be a dream to sign for us.

{Ed025's Note - i do like Guimaraes coldice i must say, has that nasty streak which i like but i feel a striker should still be the priority mate, i like Watkins but feel he has reached his celing and Villa is his limit..

18 Jun 2024 10:15:57
The same article I was reading mentioned that arteta had the emirates on lock down when it comes to transfers, he doesn’t want anything leaked and everything we are hearing in the paper is hearsay, so it’s very exciting.

18 Jun 2024 10:12:53
Thank you Ed’s for the reply.



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