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26 May 2024 03:20:21
35th Anniversary of the greatest finish to a top flight season bar none and my Son’ s 31st birthday ? #footballexistedbeforetheprem. COYG.

{Ed001's Note - before the Prem was better.}

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26 May 2024 07:59:17
Yikes Sus! You're way too old to be stealing luxury timepieces.

And Ed001, are you even old enough to remember pre Prem?

#stoptheoapfromusinghashtags #COYG.

{Ed001's Note - I have seen the videos obviously. I wasn't even born in 1970 but I still believe that World Cup's Brazil team was the very peak of footie. Nothing will ever quite compare with them.}

26 May 2024 09:08:16
Never forget that day Sussex mate
I still remember exactly what I did at work that day, what I ate that day. Coming home from work and the wife saying over dinner that we will nick at the death (crystal ball or not)
I was 13 Ed mate when 1970 World Cup was being played and your right Them Brazilians Wow each and every one of them a footballer. Not just Pele but every one of them. Had a little balding bloke in midfield called Gerson and my Dad who had seen the Hungarian side of the 50s with Puskas and read about Real Madrid reckoned he was one of the best footballers he had ever seen and has for Rivelino what a striker of the ball.

26 May 2024 12:49:22
That Brazil team were something else although Jeff Astle almost got us a draw against them! I for one Ed enjoyed the football pre Prem more - maybe just nostalgia- but the North Bank was a fun dangerous place to watch football now it’s very corporate and pretty safe which after terrible incidents society dictated we go that way and they’re right but still loved the pre prem atmospheres! Yes Bill remember that day well and love sticking on 89 and Fever Pitch! #jumpersforgoalposts #withagecomeswisdom #sharpieyoumustbetwelve?? COYG.

{Ed001's Note - it is not the atmosphere that is the issue, plenty of stadiums still generate great atmosphere, it is the football that is the problem. It is so soft now, no crunching tackles, which I loved. I like physical, aggressive footie to watch, but you can't be truly physical any more or players just throw themselves to the grounds. I hate diving, truly hate it.}

26 May 2024 14:04:27
Know what you mean Ed mate
I was 8 when I saw Arsenal play Leeds at Highbury who had just come up from the 2nd division and where getting their reputation. Billy Bremner and another footballer called Bobby Collins kicked George Eastham black and blue for 90 minutes and every time Eastham just got up and got on with it.

{Ed001's Note - it is a shame because a great tackle really lifts the crowd.}

26 May 2024 14:18:25
It’s the way players go down and bang their hands on the ground or up in air calling for a military field hospital then jumping up when not getting a foul! Embarrassing!

I’d say retrospectively book / ban them but they’d just stay on the ground! Unless they had a broken leg or kidney stones I’d still ban them. Some though like say Saka worth £100 mill plus and are an investment by clubs so sanitised football protects I guess!

Tommy Smith Chopper Harris Peter Storey would be shaking their heads! #banthedivingcheats-allofthem COYG.



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