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17 Dec 2019 09:36:17
Hello Eds,
The BBC had a piece on the Ozil situation last night and stated that there could be financial consequences to the Premier League because of his actions. This could come from a drop in revenue from TV rights etc but what consequences could he face himself? I appreciate Arsenal distanced themselves from it but surely the must be some repercussions because he represents Arsenal and the Premier League? Is there anything outlined in player contacts around social media etc that Ozil may have crossed? Interested to hear your views on it.
Thank you.

{Ed002's Note - It is not a contract issue but relates to the policy of the club. Most clubs have a policy regarding use of social media, what players say in interviews etc.. General contracts will refer to players being expected to follow club poicies etc.. In the bigger scheme it is unlikely to have a longer term impact on television rights or anything like that.}

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17 Dec 2019 10:11:26
Wish Arsenal got behind Ozil on this. A little sad but unsurprised that the money came first.

17 Dec 2019 11:09:26
Totally agree Wire mate I wish the club had chosen differently too mate, unfortunately it's not just Arsenal or just football but all sports businesses and governments who chose to not see because of money, very sad.

17 Dec 2019 10:39:51
Absolutely. Whilst I do agree with Ozil about this, for someone who had Erdogan as his best man, I'm not convinced his political antenna is that well tuned.

17 Dec 2019 11:39:40
Agree on that too Urban mate but I do think on this occasion Mesut was including Turkey in his condemnation.



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