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Jegooner's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Jegooner's rumours posts
06 Dec 2022 07:32:35
Hi Ed, I know this is reaching but are Arsenal in the fight to sign JBellingham? Do you think we actually have a chance?
The project might suit him but ofcourse everybody’s sniffing around.
{Ed002's Note - No.}
1.) 06 Dec 2022 16:38:58
? cheers.
07 Aug 2022 11:01:03
Hi Ed, I’ve just read that Guedes (Velencia) might be going to wolves, have Arsenal shown any interest in him? I only ask because he could be perfect addition to the squad being very versatile playing all across the forward line.
Thanks in advance Ed ??.
{Ed002's Note - Goncalo Guedes (LW) Agent is trying to organise a move to England and has offered him to several clubs including Arsenal, Everton, Spurs and Wolves. Wolves have declared an interest. Atletico would have turned to him if Joao Felix left - but he will stay another year.}
1.) 08 Aug 2022 17:16:52
Ok Ed appreciate the info mate ??.
24 Jun 2021 16:58:32
£50m on Ben White 😳🥴
That’s a lot of money we don’t have to spend on a position we don’t need right now huh.
I’m hoping it’s a smokescreen for Bissouma 🤞ðŸ¼.
1.) 24 Jun 2021 17:17:43
Exactly when we’ve spent £27m on saliba who doesn’t get a kick.
2.) 24 Jun 2021 17:42:02
Saliba is a leftie, 20 years old who hasn't played in the Prem. Ben White is RD, more experienced and 23. Maybe it's not an urgent need, but if MA says it will improve the squad, who am I to say otherwise.
Saliba will get his chance.
3.) 24 Jun 2021 18:12:36
Saliva ain't a leftie.
4.) 24 Jun 2021 19:22:41
I stand corrected!
5.) 24 Jun 2021 19:52:46
He is a right footed but has played LCB in the past mate.
6.) 25 Jun 2021 06:34:31
Our defensive stats were really good last season so I’m not sure why we’ve just spunked another £50m on a CB when we quite obviously need a backup Lb and a RB as it looks like Bellerin could be on his way. Then we have the midfield to address too and perhaps a Forward if Lacca leaves.
I just think it’s madness as we’ve very limited funds.
Let’s hope this is a gamble that pays off for us.
7.) 25 Jun 2021 10:01:19
We don't know the funds that Arsenal have available. don't believe all the talk people say on here about what they think Arsenals budget is, its all guess work. It'll be an interesting window and early signs seem decent. I still think there is a surprise waiting though.
8.) 25 Jun 2021 13:54:15
Very true JB very true. The only worrying thing for me is that we don’t address the blatantly obvious positions we need. Just like Wenger did with his love for not buying a DM 🙄
Fingers crossed tho mate.
30 Aug 2016 10:11:25
Ed can you enlighten me on these rumours that serge Gnabry will be going on loan before making a permanent move to B Munich?
Is this true?
God I hope not, looks a real prospect.
{Ed001's Note - he was certainly made available for loan, no idea about any permanent move.}
1.) 30 Aug 2016 11:37:56
Ok ed thank you very much
I don't mind us loaning him out but to get rid of him would be idiotic.
2.) 30 Aug 2016 11:39:27
Apparently arsene wants him to stay, but yeah he'll sign for Munich and go out on loan.
3.) 30 Aug 2016 12:09:24
He's out of contract at the end of season.
4.) 30 Aug 2016 13:24:10
I don't get why we let our players contracts run down to the last year before we offer up.
5.) 30 Aug 2016 15:15:20
Jegooner whilst I agree with you there are some who'd moan if we offered him a deal whilst injured.
6.) 30 Aug 2016 15:15:20
Jegooner whilst I agree with you there are some who'd moan if we offered him a deal whilst injured.
7.) 30 Aug 2016 17:13:03
Great point D.
8.) 30 Aug 2016 20:18:30
How do you know we didn't offer him a deal?
Don't you want players to earn contracts?
9.) 30 Aug 2016 21:34:34
what a stupid question sy4 ofcourse I want players to earn there contracts, the fact he was probably our most talented youngster and has the potential to be a absolute class that for me would have gotten him a new contract.
10.) 30 Aug 2016 21:40:20
I'm sure Arsenal have had an offer on the table for a while. You can't force a player to sign though and it sounds like he wants to leave.
{Ed041's Note - If wenger wanted to develop him so much he wouldn't of sent him to Pulis
11.) 30 Aug 2016 22:34:47
Jep, not really aimed at you buddy although I could see why you reply.
1 day we moan we give away contracts - then moan we don't
1 day we moan Wenger is not ruthless - the next we do the opposite
We moan that we run the club like a business and believe that such a business would let players run down contracts by mistake or oversight
We are a funny bunch.
12.) 30 Aug 2016 23:57:12
Too true mate too true.
What do you make of it sy4? (Gnabry deal)
13.) 31 Aug 2016 07:17:00
I want to see him in our kit playing in the Cups plus on the bench. I really like him.
If the deal is to loan him out for 6 months do he comes home ready for the home stretch - I am on board
I would like him to extend his contract.
23 Jul 2016 12:58:36
Hi eds
Wondering if I can prize abit of info out of you guys.
First of all have Arsenal got any interest in Muniain from Bilbao? I heard a little whisper that's all.
Any truth in these reports about Mahrez to Arsenal?
Thanks eds, keep up the good work :)
{Ed001's Note - interested in both, yes. I would not hold my breath on either though. Both have said they would like to stay put, though they could have been just saying it, I believe they meant it.}
1.) 23 Jul 2016 13:32:38
Is there anyone you believe are likely to come? Thanks.
{Ed001's Note - not really, sorry.}
2.) 23 Jul 2016 14:12:31
Is Muniain not one of the players caught up in that whole De Gea scandal from before the euros? I know that all died down very quickly but still.
3.) 23 Jul 2016 15:05:32
Lets hope arsene gets his wallet out aye
Thanks ed :)
Jegooner's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jegooner's banter posts
22 Sep 2024 21:56:16
Gutted about the result (even though before the game I woulda happily taken the draw) but I have to say yes we played like gladiators n i'm super proud of the lads they done brilliant…but wtf aren’t officials accountable for there decisions? …Haaland barged into our players the same as Leo twice and threw a ball at someone’s head n got away Scot free, Doku launched the ball into the third year yet we had someone sent off in time that wasn’t supposed to be played for apparently different reasons?♂️ refs saying it’s for the barge n var’s saying it’s for kicking the ball away? something’s seriously wrong here. Mikel’s interview after the game was hard to watch as you can see he just wanted to scream “the officials were a shambles today” but he held his tongue as he knew he’d get fined n touch line banned but yet the ref who was a farce gets away with zero accountability.
1.) 22 Sep 2024 23:33:15
Ww can debate and complain about what should have been but wasn't and what shouldn't have been but was in respect of officials until we are blue in the face but it will change nothing. It's only how we can do differently in future to help ourselves moving forward that is of any genuine value to us.
2.) 23 Sep 2024 06:05:57
Oh come off it! We're not monks, locked up in a monastery and oblivious to the outside world. No one has ever affected change with that attitude.
I haven't seen one single Arsenal fan say it wasn't a card (it wasn't) , but instead they're asking for consistency. Players in all 20 teams are going to invariably break some laws in the game; that's inevitable and Arsenal aren't immune. What we don't expect is to get pulled up for that mistake when players in other teams seem to break these laws with impunity.
Not buying this kumbaya nonsense! It's one thing to be zen and quite another to have your head stuck in the sand.
3.) 23 Sep 2024 07:35:30
But we have absolutely no control over what ref's do or don't do in our games or in other games, all we can do is for our players is encourage our players to be wiser moving forward and stop giving Ref's a decision to make when it comes to kicking the ball away. Of course we can just carry on running the risk and then being upset when it goes wrong moving forward, but that wouldn't be the smartest thing to do in my opinion.
4.) 23 Sep 2024 09:20:09
You're missing the point! No one is upset about the card. What people are upset about is the inconsistency of referees dishing out cards. Isn't a difficult concept to understand.
In my experience of life, change is only ever seen when people speak up. Burying your head in the sand only ever exposes parts of you that you don't want fiddled with (I'm speaking personally, others may enjoy it) .
A while ago you spoke about human right abuses. Now imagine if I'd said, "well, these people make a choice to go to these countries. Maybe just encourage them to be wiser going forward and stop giving officials in these countries the opportunity to abuse their human rights".
Sounds a sh*tty thing to say, doesn't it? Especially to someone just asking that officials do the right thing and rule fairly.
I recognise the fact that one of these things is more important than the other. But it's intriguing that someone with no experience of the region, or any first hand knowledge of abuse, feels he can have an opinion. But voices, no matter how small or distant, help to bring about change.
Time for bed, catch you when I'm less grumpy (as if that's possible) .
25 Aug 2024 16:07:09
Lovin that video going round of Benny White hoofing the ball at Hills Have Eyes after him punting it at Saliba ?
?????? well played Benny boy? ❤️?.
1.) 25 Aug 2024 16:57:12
Benny is the Man jeg mate
Love Jamie Vardy giving it back to the Spuds as well.
14 Jul 2023 21:20:06
A few signings over the line now n not a word from our @Wesley aka Bruce buffer ??♂️
Hope all is well geezer ??
#makeitofficial ❤️?.
1.) 14 Jul 2023 23:50:19
I maybe wrong, don't post this if I am, but I think I remember him getting banned for being weird in live chat.
2.) 14 Jul 2023 23:59:53
I was hoping that would only be posted if an ed corroborated it! I definitely remember someone with a name similar to Wesley kicking off and being weird, but I'm not 100% sure it was Wesley.
3.) 15 Jul 2023 09:29:55
You might be right Eden but that doesn't sound like Wesley at all, I always thought he seemed really layed back.
4.) 15 Jul 2023 10:17:16
Everyone is layed back until someone pushes your buttons and a lot of posters go out of there way to make you not welcome and push your buttons and then say it was you not them.
5.) 15 Jul 2023 10:47:30
I'm surprised they posted it without confirming it or denying it. I just searched for him, he hasn't posted since last june.
6.) 15 Jul 2023 15:51:01
Doesn't sound like the Wesley I remember, but then I didn't think the raver was a full blown racist either.
I miss his signing announcements!
Could any Ed inform us whether he is banned or merely absent?
7.) 15 Jul 2023 17:44:09
Hopefully Wesley won the lottery and is far too busy living a life of luxury to bother with announcements these days.
Maybe he will simply pay someone to do the announcements for him once he gets bored of travelling the world and fulfilling his dreams.
It's a nice thought even if not the true reason behind his absence.
{Ed014's Note - ed033 is the man to ask about bans, I don’t recall him being banned.
21 Mar 2023 17:44:27
Hi all, anyone know where to watch the Arsenal ladies champ league game?
Thanks in advance ❤️?.
{Ed014's Note - it’s live on the Arsenal website mate
1.) 21 Mar 2023 17:55:11
I knew you’d know ya perv ?Good man 14 thank you ??.
{Ed014's Note - ?????
2.) 21 Mar 2023 19:59:55
Je, 14 only watches it for the stories.
3.) 21 Mar 2023 21:02:35
??? he’s just lookin for the “Visit Rwanda” advertising board so he can book up ?.
31 Jan 2023 17:02:32
Hi all, what a clever piece of business by Arsenal if we get Jorginho over the line n at £12m…Prem experience, played and impressed in the biggest games of world football, a season or two ago was in the discussion of being Ballon d’or.
?????? Bravo again Edu and co.
14 what you reckon geeza? . I know you already had the tissues out for Caicado ??.
{Ed014's Note - well to be honest I wasn’t initially that impressed if I’m honest, literally never rated him but, and I say but because unfortunately he’s probably an upgrade on Lokonga who’s been a huge disappointment.
The good news is that Partey is expected to be fit for the Everton game
1.) 31 Jan 2023 17:33:51
? probably? …14 you are hurting eh ??
That’s massive news about Partey, he’s been an animal this season and long may it continue!
{Ed014's Note - well ok he is an upgrade but so would Fred from United be! ?
2.) 31 Jan 2023 17:57:29
With what's happened with Mudryk and Caicedo, do you think this transfer window casts doubt on us being able to get the really big deals done?
3.) 31 Jan 2023 19:05:32
I for one am pleased the club will not be held to ransom and pay fees that are far to high for unproven players.
I think jorginho is a perfect fit won't expect to start every game, played in some of the biggest competitions and is a good stand in should party get Injured or needs a rest.
He is proven player and also brings that winning mentally to the club a steady hand to guide the ship to its destination.
4.) 31 Jan 2023 19:35:06
Hi Glen, Mudryk is a young exiting player full of huge potential, he's absolutely everything Jorginho isn't, Jorginho is 31 premier league proven, full of experience at top level and ready to go, he's played in and won virtually all the world's biggest competitions.
If there is a word that should send a shiver down the spine of every Arsenal fan across the world it's the word POTENTIAL! We are not looking to win the premier league title in the next 2 to 3 years we are looking to win it in the here and now in this curent premier league season.
Personally I think this transfer widow has inadvertently worked out perfectly for us, we may not have got the players we really wanted but we may have just got the player we really needed ?????.
31 Jan 2025 23:17:08
Yeh I heard he’s Hungry like the wolf ?.
08 Dec 2023 17:53:59
Why is Jakub K on that list? is he unhappy? Or are we just looking to move him on?
Like Wire says he looks a real prospect, especially after watching him whilst on international duty.
28 Jun 2023 15:03:18
? belter.
26 Jun 2023 18:27:06
Very true 62 …it’s all click bait till it comes out in black n white mate ( n I ain’t talking bout chippy paper) ? it’s easy to speculate. just look at the worldwide business’ who make easy money from it. but to get your knickers in a twist (seen a few now) over such stories to the point where you clown your own love for the belief of a fictional daily paperback book. well that just puzzles me ?
26 Jun 2023 16:30:20
I really don’t get why people seem to think those add-on’s are so ridiculous…I mean we were pretty close to winning the league this year without Rice so we’re only gunna get better with him surely or why pay £90+m ??♂️ And with winning the league who knows what that winning mentality can do. It’s certainly not out the question n not as daft as some seem it to be.
02 Feb 2025 20:20:14
Don’t like a man getting called out for having emotions towards his club. the geeza’s says how he feels. the guy can’t win whether posting positive or negative ?
5-1 against Sh*ty…let’s fu**in go boys! Bossed that! N without out lil Chilli. You absolute dancer❤️?.
29 Jan 2025 18:37:23
Seen that Wilf…but £60+m for a 29yr old that’s let’s be honest not world class? …I’d rather take my chances with gambling with Kai for the season then do that deal.
15 Jan 2025 22:40:37
F**k me SY suck it up a bit eh! ?
We’ve just won the NLD with a criticaly injury hit squad n in my opinion we played really fu**in well considering.
Enjoy the moment mate
North London is red ❤️?.
16 Nov 2024 19:42:51
Wtf! ? That’s a shocker! . Wasn’t expecting to come on ere n read of such sad news.
Really sorry to hear this. Condolences to his closest ☹️
Rip ed002 mate.
#rtfp ❤️?.
24 Aug 2024 23:21:28
? top Post Glenn…nailed it.