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21 Apr 2024 10:10:32
Hope we are all well! I keep seeing today Ed002 say if saka were to leave and so on. Surely there's no interest in selling him? Or does the player want to leave?


1.) 22 Apr 2024 01:34:12
I wouldn't read into it anymore than - Olise needs to be first choice RW and Saka has basically locked down that position for the next 5-10 years.



20 Jan 2022 18:04:42
Hearing we've bit for matt Turner. A 27 year old keeper playing in America. Same people are saying Leno might be going to Newcastle on loan with an obligation to buy depending on keeping them up.


1.) 21 Jan 2022 13:19:42
Seems a sensible move, and provided an opportunity to move out Leno and probably that Icelandic fella too.

2.) 21 Jan 2022 17:25:02
Which bit of Matt we after D16 mate ???.

3.) 22 Jan 2022 11:59:11
Haha hope we don't bite his hands off. Might need them.

4.) 22 Jan 2022 18:47:59
For me, an excellent older keeper, who might be available at the end of the season, is Tim Krull. He has been a consistently excellent keeper in the premiership from his time at Newcastle, and continues to be an excellent keeper at Norwich. Don’t be fooled by being against keepers in relegated teams. They can’t stop relegation single handed, but they keep sharp, way more than keepers who touch the ball about twitch each half. Yes his best years are probably behind, but as a number 2, he would be excellent, especially if there was a chance to move into a coaching role attached.



05 Oct 2021 16:40:15
Fabrizio Romano posted this today:

Arsenal are following William Saliba's progress closely - they are really happy with the French centre back. ?? #AFC

Arsenal told Saliba weeks ago that they trust him 100% for the future, he joined OM on loan to play all games as starter then he’ll be back.

So we've voiced out discontent on this move very often. Does make me happy regardless of whether he should've gone on loan or not that he seems to have a future at arsenal.




27 May 2021 14:06:04
Interesting news from the journalist ramano who is usually spot on. Said xhaka has offers to leave as does bellerin. Also willian will 100% be leaving. Going to be a busy summer.


1.) 27 May 2021 14:26:29
Massive summer D16 which could see us revolutionise the squad entirely. It's great but only works if we buy sensibly. Soumare for example - moving to Leicester for what 21m? We need 4 or 5 sharp signings like that imo.

2.) 27 May 2021 14:33:55
I'm reading Mourinho is after Granit 16.

3.) 27 May 2021 18:45:50
Glenn, d’ya know what. I was thinking the same mate Soumare for £21m is an absolute steal. Leicester are about to work miracles once again by the looks of it.

They really do remind me of Arsenal of old, the way the clubs run, the way they conduct themselves and there scouting network is unreal.

4.) 27 May 2021 19:36:14
I wish Granit to stay I think he’s a good enough player and could improve slightly he’s just too cautious. He may be humble enough to play some supporting role loves the club and have experience.

People on here were wishing Holding be sold in the summer and I warned we may need him from January onwards, which proves to be the case. Although we have less games to play next season I think we need an experience or more solid defender.

Pepe will continue to improve as his psychology change, maybe it’s having a child and wanting to create a legacy plus it appears he’s getting extra in training.

My reservation is in the striker position because PEA has been found out. Keep him to his left and not let him get the ball on his right and he will fizzle out especially losing pace as he aged.



16 Apr 2021 10:12:30
Looking forward to that shark pod Ed! Just wondering if you had any transfer info on Eduardo Camavinga. I keep seeing arsenal. Linked with him and meant to be quite the talent!


{Ed002's Note - He certainly will not be moving to Arsenal.}

1.) 16 Apr 2021 10:36:38
Because we are crap Ed or because we aren’t interested?

2.) 16 Apr 2021 12:02:01
Thanks Ed. Probably just the usual click bait rumours. Meant to be a really good player.

3.) 16 Apr 2021 15:11:00
Dags where was you last night when we was superb?

Or do you only turn up when things are not good?

4.) 17 Apr 2021 03:56:41
I do not think we will get him but Edd I am sure you said Pepe would definitely not be moving to Arsenal at one point.

{Ed002's Note - Sure, no problem. Obviously I have been misleading you so I won't provide any more information to the Arsenal page.}

5.) 17 Apr 2021 11:16:30
Just be honest mate. Beating one team doesn’t mean anything, let’s not be naive.

6.) 18 Apr 2021 11:19:34
Well done RG.




D16's banter posts with other poster's replies to D16's banter posts


02 Jan 2022 17:01:15
All the ridiculous decisions yesterday it baffles me why the refs are never pulled up on poor decisions. Anyone know also what Gabriel's first yellow was for? I thought it was kicking the penalty spot which he'd deserve a yellow but our assistant manager said it was for discent towards the ref.


{Ed014's Note - it was decent mate, they showed him run up to the ref and say something and the ref immediately went to his pocket and carded him.

They were nowhere near the penalty area.

1.) 02 Jan 2022 17:10:28
Yep exactly Ed, nothing to do with the penalty spot.

{Ed014's Note - hopefully he’ll learn from it mate because with 11 I think there was only one winner!

2.) 02 Jan 2022 17:40:01
I can't remember if it was Brian Clough or another manager but who ever was used to extend the ban of any player who picked up a card for decent towards an official.

Tackles don't always go as planned and sometimes getting a card for the team to save a goal is the right thing to do but having a go at officials is so unnecessary and avoidable, it's no as if the ref is going to change his mind and reverse his decision if you question his parentage or his self gratification habits is it ???.

3.) 02 Jan 2022 19:27:18
Cloughie hated decent he saw it as a needles suspension and he was correct.

{Ed014's Note - we all really need to sort our spelling out! It’s dissent! ?‍♂️??

4.) 02 Jan 2022 19:54:22
He would have hated the City player as his decent in the penalty box was fast.

5.) 02 Jan 2022 19:55:45
I know it’s descent Ed….

{Ed014's Note - I know mate, I missed you’re joke above as another must have put it up! ?

6.) 02 Jan 2022 21:15:50
Lol ED I meant only a decent player doesn’t get booked for dissent.

{Ed014's Note - I know I’m sure I meant something similar! ??

7.) 02 Jan 2022 22:15:05
Surely Cloughie saw dissent as needles and pointless COYG I’ve got me coat.

{Ed014's Note - ?‍♂️?? and so you should! The Ox will be after you too!



23 Oct 2021 11:13:37
As many of us have I've been very impressed with ramsdale. Especially with his young age I've really enjoyed seeing him. One thing I'll love to know from Ed001 is I'm sure recently you said yourself or a friend said his distribution is poor. Was that right? Think it was in the summer. Was that something you still think as from what I've seen I've thought his long range passing has been exceptional

Just thought be interesting to see your take on his first few games. Early days I know!


{Ed001's Note - I said he struggled with playing out from the back at Bournemouth and lost confidence. It took him a while at Sheff Utd to rebuild it, but there he wasn't asked to play out from the back, so it was impossible to judge how he would get on. So far he has done ok, but it is early days and his confidence has not been tested.}

1.) 23 Oct 2021 12:16:39
I think Ramsdale has done brilliant and certainly silenced a few people who judged him by his fee rather than on what he did in an Arsenal shirt, same for Ben White actually.

I agree it is very early days still and i personally find claims of Ramsdale already being England's number 1 already as crazy as the claims that because both Burnmouth and Sheffield United were relegated with Ramsdale in goal that proved he was a useless keeper we had wasted 30 million on him.

It's always best to wait and see how a player does over 3 to 6 months before declaring them anything one way or the other.
In my opinion because of their price tags both Ramsdale and White were judged unfairly before they even had chance to kick a ball but equally both are slowly but surely convincing people to listen to Jessie Js advice after all.

{Ed001's Note - I have no idea who Jessie J is.}

2.) 23 Oct 2021 13:06:06
She sang a song called Price Tag, Ed001 mate.
She suggested people should forget all about the price tag and think for themselves and make thier own choices rather than being told what they should like or think by other people especially the media and big brands.

I was so impressed I bought her Album and every bit of Jessie J merchandise I could get just to prove how others could not influence my choices, then a week later took it all to the charity shop, my choice of course ???.

{Ed001's Note - sometimes you worry me mate.}

3.) 23 Oct 2021 13:23:05
Your lucky Ed001 mate, at least for you it's only sometimes.

I worry me constantly ????.

4.) 23 Oct 2021 18:07:05
That was it Ed! Hasn't seemed like that at all to me but as we said early days isn't it. Hopefully the confidence stays and I don't get to see the side you've mentioned. Thanks for the reply.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome mate. Hopefully he will continue to prove me wrong.}



26 Sep 2021 19:27:17
Superb today. Faultless all over the pitch. Could mention every individual player today but one I must mention is ramsdale. We look so much better with him in goal.

Commanding and passionate with a worldie of a save at the end. Given the amount of stick he got when we signed him I'm happy he's proving many of us wrong!


{Ed014's Note - 100% I get the impression our defenders love him, he’s instilling some steel into our defence.

1.) 26 Sep 2021 21:38:39
? where have all the “ waste of money “ merchants gone? The modern game is not just about buying individual superstars and sending them out on the field, I don’t like to blow my own trumpet ( raver has mastered that from the scrubs stint) but what ramsdale offers is much more than just a decent keeper, he offers confidence, sharpness and great distribution as well as being vocal for one so young. Like I said a couple of months ago a very good signing ?.

{Ed014's Note - what’s your thoughts on Lokonga, Tomi and White?

Ramsdale has been very very good, I really like Tomi and Lokonga but still a little undecided with White. I think that’s probably down to my frustration with Arteta for not using Saliba though as he’s not done a lot wrong.

2.) 26 Sep 2021 23:36:19
Sambi and White still need to show a lot more for me but I like early signs from both Tomi and Ramsdale

Great first half today and a stable back 5 - no tinkering please boss

Well played pea.

3.) 26 Sep 2021 23:36:53
Hold on to ben white, he is doing good but it’s not his time to shine yet. He will shine the brightest and for long time…. Soon, very soon.

4.) 26 Sep 2021 23:40:23
Not aimed at me but I’ll Chuck my 2 cents in anyway lol… Ramsdale Is already winning over his many many doubters in such a short space of time… he’s really impressed me like most have said more for the way he commands the team being so young, tomi looks like an absolute bargain and I’m sure Tottenham are kicking themselves over passing the opportunity to sign him, I think arteta clearly knew exactly what he wanted with him and his knack for dropping in to make us a 3 back when needed then instantly reverting to a 4 when under pressure and were reaping the rewards… lakonga I’ve seen less of but what’s impressed me with him is the quick turns and release of the ball, he doesn’t seem to mind receiving the ball when someone’s closing him down and whilst inevitably it means he’s gona occasionally lose the ball in the middle when he gets away from his man it creates a lot of space to carry the ball in the middle. white is a tricky one, I think he will struggle when he doesn’t have a powerhouse next to him but him and gab compliment each other well… said it before but these youngsters could be the basis for a truly great side… God knows we’ve suffered so to have even the optimism that we could once again start knocking on the doors of CL spaces is enough to make me an excited gooner again….

5.) 27 Sep 2021 07:13:35
Ed, I think Tomi looks a cracking signing didn’t see that one coming sambi and lokonga also look like they can play, reminds me a bit of when our scouts used to actually go and find a real gem of a player that nobody had heard of.
White? Not sure, however he’s looked a lot better next to Gabriel.
Saliba, I have no clue ? there must be a reason and I’m sure it’ll come out one day ( bit like raver will too) ??.

{Ed014's Note - agree totally just not sure Sambi and Lokonga are two different players! ??

Saliba is just a mad one and I really hope he and Arteta get over what ever the problem is.



20 Sep 2021 12:54:35
Couldn't see a post on this. So apologies if I've missed it. But anyone see our u-23s. Beating Chelsea 6-1 and we had a player sent off at 32mins. Big achievement that is seeing as the Chelsea u23 have a good team!


1.) 20 Sep 2021 16:43:51
Haven’t seen that D16 mate…. any way of watchin it back? Would like to watch that ??.

2.) 20 Sep 2021 18:54:57
It’s on - lovely goals from Biereth and nice assist from Balogun.

3.) 20 Sep 2021 21:31:39
Happy days, thanks mate.

{Ed014's Note - watched it earlier, a great result.

4.) 21 Sep 2021 17:03:24
Yep great result Ed14 and a great performance from the boyz COYYG ❤️?.

{Ed014's Note - especially when down to 10 so early, incredible really.



11 Sep 2021 17:17:31
Not convincing but happy to get a win finally.
Big balls on dropping leno! Couldn't believe aside from auba the oldest player was pepe at 26! Not sure the lack of experience is worrying.





D16's rumour replies


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30 May 2024 21:27:40
I don't think we're looking at lw. Rw yes but not lw it's our only strong position. Trossard and martenelli.




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03 Mar 2024 07:57:46
Not sure if it's something anyone would know. But we tried to sign him when we already had martenelli so what would the difference be now. Unless arteta wasn't sure on martenelli at the time.




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28 Jan 2024 00:00:08
Has he fallen out of favour at arsenal. Ever since he got that stupid red card we've not seen him.




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09 Jul 2023 10:48:40
I really can't decide if I feel this is a good decision to sell him or not. Whilst there might be promise there I haven't seen anywhere near enough to indicate he's in contention for a starting spot. Granted he done well in France howeber lacazette also had a very good season there and we all know he didn't cut it over here enough.

40-50m might be far too good to refuse.




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25 May 2023 12:34:24
Think it's time to let him go if I'm honest. Obv off field allegations aside as I've no idea what's true and what's not but on the field he just isn't consistent enough for such a key position. With injuries and going missing in some games.





D16's banter replies


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17 Apr 2022 00:08:57
The thing for me is I'm fine we didn't spend stupid money on a forward in January. However there must have been a player we could've loaned in. Jovic perhaps.




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20 Mar 2022 00:07:24
Can't remember the last time most of the fan base was in unity let alone singing positive songs about the manager!




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26 Feb 2022 11:36:06
I like him as well. Sometimes! But I just don't see where he will fit into the team. Martenelli saka and Smith rowe are all in front of him for the battle to start on the wing.




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26 Jan 2022 17:32:29
It's difficult because I'd imagine the summer we'd get better players for better prices. That being said we could do with improvement in the squad ASAP.




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28 Dec 2021 14:47:23
Must admit I'm not keen on Jack signing even for 6 months as he wasn't even good enough for a championship side. That being said if we bring in a other cm and sign him as well then I'm willing to give him a chance.
