Arsenal banter 6


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15 May 2024 17:33:02
Not sure if it has been on the City rumours page for a while but the charge list looks pretty daunting!

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15 May 2024 18:19:19
Hello Sally
The charges are incredible.
What strikes me is the most recent of all them charges is 2018,thats 6 years ago so why has it taken them so long considering Evertons and Forest charges are pretty recent.

15 May 2024 18:38:44
Sorry i stand corrected, the last charge is dated 2023,failure to comply with PL regulations.

15 May 2024 22:38:06
I saw this summary by the Swedish Rumble, I have no idea how accurate it is:

"There is one reason and one reason only why this case is not settled yet. When the PL launched the procedure for the 115 charges, City made sure that it got stuck in the courts for almost 3 years challenging every technical aspect it could to delay it.

A summary:
November-December 2018: The Premier League write to City requesting certain information and documents in relation to potential breaches of their rules — known as the information claim. City object to the request — after what has been published by Der Spiegel/ the Football Leaks.
21 August 2019: The PL issue a complaint against City, since it has still not received the documents and information it has the right to receive under the Premier League Rules and which City refuse to give the PL access to. City responds by challenging the PL's disciplinary system, challenging a technicality (only highly regarded barristers could be elected for the commission) .
22 October 2019: With the documents and information not forthcoming, the PL begin arbitration against the club seeking a declaration that they are contractually obliged to provide them. The club try to stop the arbitration by arguing to the tribunal involved that the PL had no power to start it. They also claim that the tribunal does not appear impartial.
26 June 2020: City issue an application in the Commercial Court repeating their argument that the tribunal lacks jurisdiction on the information claim and is tainted with “bias”.
2 November 2020: City’s claim that it has no obligation to to pass on the requested information and documents to the PL — is rejected. It’s clearly stated in the rules that they must do so. The order to provide them is however postponed pending the outcome of the Commercial Court case.
17 March 2021: In the Commercial Court, Mrs Justice Moulder more or less summarily dismisses the club's challenge to the jurisdiction and impartiality of the tribunal, dismantling the City’s lawyers arguments clearly hinting that it was felt that it had abused the public court system. She refuses permission to appeal her judgment.
24 March 2021: Mrs Justice Moulder said her judgment should be published, in order to reveal the lengths to which City had attempted to resist passing on information to the PL. City successfully seeked permission to appeal the decision to make the information public in the Court of Appeal. So we get another delay (I think you are starting to get the drift by now, it’s an appeal of an appeal of an appeal about a pure nonsense technicality. On a side
30 June 2021: The Court of Appeal opens its hearing into the club's appeal against publication. The Court of Appeal handed down its decision dismissing the appeal.

So it took the PL almost three years to just have it sorted out that it has the right to receive the information the Premier League Rules clearly states that City must submit to the PL. After this, we know that City made another challenge of the impartiality of an experienced barrister in no way connected to the Premier League, in KC Murray Rosen. How much delay this caused is unknown.

During this time, City was also sentenced by UEFA for failing to produce requested information and delaying procedures. "

16 May 2024 17:38:04
Do any eds know if this summary is accurate please.

{Ed001's Note - it looks pretty much spot on.}

17 May 2024 00:25:54
Thanks ed.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome. It is sad that you could lose this to a bunch of cheats, but if you do win it will make it all the sweeter.}

17 May 2024 11:08:29
Cheers Ed! I feel 2nd place is the new 1st place. lol.

{Ed001's Note - well it is first of the ones within the rules.}

15 May 2024 11:33:04
I can see big ange handing his notice in. he was very p.ed off with the fans, he look disgusted with them, it’s probably the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen in football, it just goes to show, we live in every spuds fans head rent free.

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15 May 2024 22:33:12
I was genuinely amazed at how much of a loser mentality they had. I've never paid too much thought to the 'banter' between Arsenal and Spurs, like many of us I have family who are Spurs fans and it's mostly just friendly. This time was different though, going by what I saw online it was vindictive. Just goes to show they are a small club and this is all they can take pleasure in.

15 May 2024 23:43:57
I liken it to my Scots mates who over recent years have taken great delight at England getting knocked out of a tournament they weren`t even qualified for. I just say it`s like a great party that`s going on with everyone enjoying themselves and Scotland ( read Spurs) are outside looking in because they aren`t good enough to be invited! Never works though they`re always going to be ABE. It`s fun being a Gooner can`t say the same for those down the road COYG
#easysharpieitsjustmyscotsmatesnotallscotsnosweepinggeneralisationshere :)

16 May 2024 06:06:21
Imagine making a post just to let people know you have mates.

{Ed001's Note - he is just showing off. The only mates I have ever had are a pack of expired condoms in the back of my wallet that I am hoping one day I might get to use.}

16 May 2024 06:38:45
A whole pack, Ed001? I mean, I love your optimism 😂

How you been? Not seen you mucking about on here in ages.

{Ed001's Note - if it was trainers, it would be classified as BNDS. In other words still in the wrapper unopened. One day. It has only been 20 years, it might just happen if I show a bit of patience.

Good thanks. Just been really busy with life to be honest. My dad is showing signs of old age catching up, touch of alzheimer's, so I am trying to sort out moving back to Dubai as he loves going there for visits. Apparently giving him something to look forward to will help stave off the disease I have been told. Better time zone for doing the sites as well! Getting up at 3 or 4am to watch midweek matches is killer. I end up sitting down and falling asleep just before kick-off usually. So annoying when you have gone to the effort of dragging yourself out of bed for nothing.

How are things with you?}

16 May 2024 07:05:18
Sorry to hear about your dad, mate. No personal experience, but everything I've heard or read about the disease suggests it's quite cruel. Especially for loved ones.

How long have you been in the Philippines now? Has it been a year? Besides the time difference issues do you like it there over Dubai?

I'm good, yeah. Trying my best to behave, and by and large, I'm succeeding (I think) .

16 May 2024 08:02:02
2 years. The first year was fairly easy but as time has gone on I have just ended up feeling more and more tired all the time. The people are lovely but it is nowhere near as nice to live as Dubai - apart from being much cheaper. But the traffic is insane, it took me months to even figure out which side of the road they drive on because no one else seems to know either! They just go where they want. Crossing a road is a case of just holding your hand up in the air and hoping they stop to let you across because there is never a gap in the traffic.

Behave? I will believe that when I see it.

As for my dad, it is hard on me ma, which is why this will be a big help as she can have a nice break too. They can stay with me as long as they like with no worries. }.

16 May 2024 15:06:20
Good thoughts Ed01 to you and your family and hope all goes well! Sharpie you caught me bang to rights but as I’m from Sussex can I count Harry and Meghan as friends? Love your predictions - can I have some please? COYG.

{Ed001's Note - thank you mate, much appreciated.}

16 May 2024 20:21:47
Best wishes to you and your family Trish.

{Ed001's Note - thank you mal.}

15 May 2024 07:24:10
No surprises for me last night, Spuds actually did ok .

If only that one golden chance late on would have been taken.

Can't see anything other than a 4 or 5-0 win for City at the weekend.

Good effort from the boys, I maintain next year will be the year, we have taken points off all the big boys this year and dropped daft ones.

August can't come quick enough :)

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15 May 2024 09:08:09
Hello Banbury mate, did not watch the game but by all accounts the Spuds gave it go, despite their fans willingness for them to lose.
I think Big Ange was truly shocked over their mindset.
As for the Hammers, they will give it a go i am sure.
As i said in a earlier post make sure we beat Everton and see how the cards lay

{Ed014's Note - to be fair they kind of did and it was unlike Son to miss a one on one.

City celebrated like they’ve already one the league but not sure if Jamie Carragher was telling them to get down the tunnel or not!😂😂

15 May 2024 09:56:24
Some of them muppets where doing the Poznan when City scored. Can't believe I wasted a burnt offering on them.

15 May 2024 14:45:38
Hi Banbury, Billy n sharpie

I still think there is more twists to come

I’ve had this feeling and no sharpie not that kind of feeling we will do it.

Liverpool FC Players Overview

15 May 2024 07:39:09
{Ed's Note - iwillbered has posted a new article entitled, Liverpool FC Players Overview

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14 May 2024 19:22:46
Ed 14 any chance you put the spuds live chat on?

{Ed033's Note - Arsenal Live Chat is now open for the Spurs v Man City match.

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14 May 2024 21:07:06
Hahaha Ed033, that's below the belt 🤣🤣.

14 May 2024 20:14:31
Spurs giving Walker all the room he wants.

{Ed014's Note - hoijberg is their 12th man 😂😂

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14 May 2024 20:26:49
Should of opened the chat room Ed014.

{Ed014's Note - Mal asked me earlier and I’ve sent it to ed33 but he’s not picked it up yet

14 May 2024 20:29:20
I could not imagine being at a game and not cheering on my team to win.

{Ed014's Note - I’ve asked ed33 if he’ll open up our chat page and just waiting for him to pick up the message.

It’s like a morgue in there! 😂

14 May 2024 20:30:23
I was going to suggest that.

{Ed014's Note - you’re the 3rd one, I should have thought of it earlier! 🤦‍♂️

14 May 2024 20:31:51
Was more atmosphere duing covid.

{Ed014's Note - there sure was 😂

14 May 2024 20:43:08
I actually don't mind spurs as a club they are run quite well it's the fans I can not stand more worried about what we are doing than there club getting in CL do they not know how hard top 4 will be next season with better clubs attracting better players with the pull of CL.

14 May 2024 20:45:52
Can not fault the spurs players they are trying.

14 May 2024 18:32:52
I can't wait to see spurs disappoint their fans and win the game tonight. I mean they are used to disappointments but this one will hit them hard.

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14 May 2024 17:39:37
I remember last game 97/ 99 season when United done the treble and we needed Spurs to beat Utd at Old Trafford and all the Spuds fans had banners at Old Trafford saying
Cant help themselves can they.

{Ed014's Note - relying on the spuds must be like relying on a covid mask to save you following a nuclear explosion in your front room. 🤷‍♂️😂

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14 May 2024 17:56:06

14 May 2024 15:59:21
Typical chicken on a beach ball, serial trophy dodgers mentality. a lot of spuds actually want their team to get beat tonight. (and miss out on the chance for top four/ champions league ) . exact reason why they haven't and won't win anything. proper 💩 mentality, I've never ever, ever wanted THE ARSENAL to lose a game. but that's why spursy spurs will always be no marks. that lot up the road have no balls about them at all.

I honestly think city will batter them tonight. and we will have to hope West Ham can do the unthinkable and get some sort of result against city. we just have to take care of ourselves against Everton. COYG/ VTH. N🔴RTH LONDON. FOREVER. p. s Jamie O'hara is the biggest 🛎️🔚 of all.

{Ed014's Note - I’d be amazed if the don’t get an utter tonking, their best midfielder Bissouma is out injured so they’ll no doubt play the legend that is Hoijberg! 😂

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14 May 2024 16:32:54
Hello Ed mate is that the Hoijberg whose motto is if it moves kick it.
Like you Ed i will be amazed if they keep City below 3 goals.

{Ed014's Note - that’s him mate, a proper nugget!

Do you mean three in the first 20 minutes? 😂

14 May 2024 16:47:12
Rational people making rational statements very seldom make headlines, the headlines are almost always dominated by crazy irrational people saying crazy irrational things.

Social media sites like twitter are designed for irrational people to share the hate on.

14 May 2024 16:58:10
Hi ed014 hope all’s well. Hoijberg is a proper spurs player 🤣🤣, complete 🛎️🔚. if he plays tonight, KDB and CO will rip him a new one.

{Ed014's Note - yes all good mate and you’ve described him to a tee! 😂

14 May 2024 17:09:03
Sorry Ed 014,I forgot to say that spurs will have to unleash James I don’t love myself too much Maddison on city tonight. he could blind side them with his devilishly good looks 🧟‍♂️ whilst son takes city apart. (not) .

{Ed014's Note - he hasn’t made the starting 11 for a few weeks so maybe Ange has been saving him for this one so he can run towards the city 18yd area, fall over just outside and take the free kick himself.

Obvs then blaze it over the bar! 😂

14 May 2024 18:22:39
Hello Gabi mate
The reason Brendan Rogers dropped him at Leicester because he was so up himself.

14 May 2024 18:44:52
Nothing irrational about slating an entire demographic for using a platform or reading a paper, apparently 🙄.

14 May 2024 18:46:46
Evening bill, hope alls well, I can totally believe that about Brendon Rogers. so glad we stayed well away from signing Maddison. and signed Declan the human shield rice. what a signing he’s been for us, still got his best years ahead. and with us. THE MIGHTY ARSENAL. 🔴⚪️❤️.

14 May 2024 19:09:30
I strongly dislike Twitters freedom to spread hate policy Sharpie so I am extremely negative in my opinion towards that platform. I wonder what result Odd Bod is hoping for tonight? I always found his claiming to be an Arsenal fan while spending all his time in the spurs page irrational.

14 May 2024 19:34:07
Freedom to spread hate policy? Pretty sure that's not a policy. Just like any other large community, X has it's share of people with differing outlooks on just about anything. It doesn't help that sense and sensibilities fly out the window when people discuss things that they're passionate about and they meet opposition.

This place would be just like X if comments didn't require to be pre-approved. That's just not possible on mega platforms.

Have you ever used X (twitter) ?

14 May 2024 20:07:27
I know that Elon Musk allowed the previously banned American user Alex Jones who spread those awful stories about the innocent victims of tragic events in America to rejoin and have the freedom to resume his own cruel freedom to spread hate campaign.

14 May 2024 20:34:17
The Pope, the Dalai Lama, etc. also have accounts on X. Should they be banned too just because I don't believe in fairy people in the sky?

You've plucked one person you don't like and decided that the other millions of people on the platform are also irrational.

In reality, any rational thinking person should be capable of ignoring or using the block tools on these platforms to drown out the noises you don't want to hear.

Additionally, hate speach is a police matter, not a platform matter. The authorities obviously see nothing wrong with this bloke you're talking about.

14 May 2024 21:29:40
He was fined millions after pleading guilty to spreading cruel misinformation in the American courts. Not a nice person but he's welcome once again on twitter to post anything he likes since Elon Musk made freedom of hate speech open to anyone.

14 May 2024 22:14:49
62, he's a conspiracy theorist, and that has nothing to do with hate speech. Facts matter. The guy is an absolute nut, but ultimately, this is a free speech issue, not a hate speech issue.

Let's circle back though. You're suggesting anyone using the platform is irrational because of this? That's quite the blanket statement.

14 May 2024 10:40:38
Theatre of Streams now has four stands.

The Sir Alex Ferguson stand, The Sir Bobby Charlton stand, The Deep End, and The Shallow End.

{Ed025's Note - love it mate..

Agree2 Disagree0

14 May 2024 09:41:29
Jamie O hara was singing Blue Moon
on Talksport
What a melt.

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14 May 2024 10:23:36
Mate, saw a headline today that read, "Jamie O'Hara opens up on his 'disaster' at ditching his famous footballer persona".

What famous football persona? 🤣🤣

Chap is a proper helmet.

{Ed025's Note - thats a terrible slur on helmets mate..

14 May 2024 10:43:27
Ed025, seriously, 14 won't mind 🤣.

{Ed025's Note - he might you know Sharpey, he thinks of himself as the ultimate Gooner mate.. :)

14 May 2024 11:01:22
No no, Ed025, 14 knows he's a different type of helmet.

{Ed025's Note - lol

14 May 2024 13:02:14
Read an article on him the other day ( O’Hara not Ed14) he was a Spurs supporter in our academy! He decided to leave because Liam Brady ( legend) wouldn’t promote him quick enough but this bit I find strange apparently ALL the top clubs were after him Barcelona Real Madrid Liverpool Chelsea etc but went to Spurs.

Proper Walter Mittee character! Spuds can still qualify for top four FOYS.

{Ed014's Note - what is it with Spuds being Walter Mitty’s thought the raver was enough! 🤣

14 May 2024 13:27:52
Only way they see themselves with a trophy is the Walter Mitty way.

14 May 2024 14:17:42
They have sunk to a new low but will release the Dvd of them losing to City - their biggest achievement in feck knows how long FOYS.


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